Domes insulated

ArchaDomes as temporary and permanent buildings

are an alternative to classic wooden buildings or pavilions and are used for seminars, in childcare, as practice and therapy space, restaurant ... or as overnight units for glamping in soft tourism.

The lightness of an Archadom tent construction involves preservation of the landscape at all stages of construction, meaning only light ground bearings and foundations are required. see: soils and terrain preparation and foundations. The system construction allows mobility, i.e. dismantling and sale.

in different sizes and shapes as our dome tents, aesthetic and heatable rooms are created with an extended concept for permanent use.

For more photos check out the gallery.

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    Dome insulated 10m

    Used as a therapy room, it creates a neutral working environment in which can help to open oneself up to to healing.

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    Dome insulated 10m

    Built with transluscent insulation (fiber glass)

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    Dome insulated 8m

    Used for multiple purposes.

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    Dome insulated 7m

    As a roof over a pool it's used for therapeutic work in Water.

    Constructed with three layers of arch beams (larch wood).

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    Dome insulated 12m

    Used as a concert room.

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    Dome insulated 8m

    With the additional extended roof, the dome gets additional protection and shade for it's imminent surrounding area.

Archadom Niethammer • Emmentalstr. 139d • CH-3414 Oberburg i.E. • Schweiz • Tel +41-34-423 11 50 • .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)