The desire for energetic spaces and the delight of simplicity

These are the driving forces for Ralf Niethammer's ideas, design and construction.

Archadom Niethammer is registered as a sole proprietorship in the commercial register. The cooperation of family, employees, suppliers, partners and friends has led to success. Thanks to our customers, who come to us with a desire for round shapes, a steady growth has been possible.


Ralf & Karin Niethammer                                           Leander Niethammer - house of parliament

We wish to be able to continue to create space-aesthetic projects and products!       s.m.i.l.e. - shelters made in lively esthetics

Archadom Niethammer • Emmentalstr. 139d • CH-3414 Oberburg i.E. • Schweiz • Tel +41-34-423 11 50 • .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)