Terrain and pedestals

The terrain should be leveled and prepared for the load.

This work is carried out by the buyer or a local construction company on his behalf. For very large structures, an engineer may be required to calculate the foundations.

Terrain with slope

On a pitched terrain, it can be counterbalanced by wood poles, solid concrete foundations or concrete poured into PVC tubes. For large tent structures, a foundation (usually concrete) is a prerequisite. A concrete ring poured down to the depth of frost helps to support the wood pods on which the beam bearing and the wooden floor are laid out.

In Central Europe, a building permit is required in most cases. We recommend having the foundation calculated by an engineer and commissioning a local architect for the permit. We will supply the necessary blueprints for that.

Archadom Niethammer • Emmentalstr. 139d • CH-3414 Oberburg i.E. • Schweiz • Tel +41-34-423 11 50 • .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)